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Re: Do the Masters exist?

Aug 26, 1995 02:19 AM


It's related toTheosophy in so far as 1 of our objectives is to
study how all religions have a way of presenting much the same
basic truths in a variety of ways. Theosophists are of all
religions in the world ... usually a mystical branch of the
religion. I objected to Jesus being called the Master of
Masters, because I think He was the figure which brought a
religion with all the basic truths to the Christians, while
other religious figures, such as Muhamad, Sidhartha, Orpheus,
Moses, brought the same basic truths clothed differently to
other civilisations. For instance, I think that when Christians
talk about the Christ within, this is comparable to Buddhists
talking about the Buddha nature. etc.
Hierarchies are spoken of in our literature. Some of our
organizations are set up on hierarchical principles. We also
think of nature as being set up that way, & the angel kingdom.
I myself question whether this is the only viable
organizational set up, for the reasons I mentioned yesterday,
but what I wrote is my own opinion, & not theosophical.
Nevertheless, I'd like to see us discuss it, because I don't
believe that a religious/philosophical system can go along
forever without adapting to the times & to viable new ideas, &
I'd like us to change in the direction I like, I'd at least
like to see us discuss it. The idea of having a system that is
dynamic, because it is adaptible to different people's needs &
beliefs was written up in an article by Shirley Nicholson in
the "American Theosophist" about 10 years ago. If it's not
pliable to people's needs & beliefs, she wrote, it becomes
stale & fossilized. I thoroughly agree with her on that. I love
Theosophy because it covers so many angles. It keeps you
intellectually & emotionally busy, with always exploring
something new.

Does that help? If not, ask on, we'll answer.


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