Replies to Various - on science & theosophy
Aug 12, 1995 09:34 PM
by Jerry Schueler
There have been several discussions on scientific
themes. Here are a few comments:
Keith: <Blavatsky seems to deny the existence of a Jehovah
type God at every term, Principles such as Motion and Space
seem to be primary, but it is unclear how these could be
Actually, she believed in such gods (and goddesses too). She
did, however, deny that Jehovah was a 'supreme' god, or the
'only' god. She also taught that everything (i.e., every
single thing in our universe) is conscious on its own
level/subplane. My guess is that this goes for light too.
BTW, life did not "originate" on Earth but life and Earth
came into manifestation together in the sense that inert or
'dead' matter simply does not exist.
Fred: < I view this experiment as a demonstration that
information may be exchanged instanteuosly in some
situations. It takes only a little imagination to believe
that the monad has this capability.>
I believe that this phenomenon is called Bell's
Interconnectedness Theorem; a very well known (and accepted
as valid) theorem of physics. And yes, I would agree that
the monad has this capability. Thought itself is faster
than light (i.e., think of a place, and instantly you are
mentally there).
Lewis: < This reminds me of the Ken Keyes book The Hundreth
Monkey. Have you heard of it?>
I have. In fact, lots of scientists use it to explain their
pet theories - R. Sheldrake and his morphic fields comes to
my mind as just one.
Keith: <Light seems to be some kind of perpetrator of maya
also. It glues and separates at the same time (another
paradox). In other words without it ( or the subatomic
forces etc.) communication or relationship would be
impossible, but what it communicates is that things are
separate. Isn't there a reference in the SD to this. >
Yes, there is. Light (i.e., physical light, especially in
its form of electricity) is called Fohat, and it is Fohat
that connects the subjective I or Self with its objective
Not-I or world. It both connects the I and Not-I as well
as separates the two from each other. Incidently, the terms
I and not-I did not originate with me (I used them a lot
in my Enochian Physics) but have been around for a awhile.
M. Esther Harding, a Jungian, wrote a book called "The 'I'
and the 'Not-I': A study in the development of
consciousness" back in 1973, and there were others as
well). However, I do rather like the idea, because of its
simplicity and elegance. Think of the I as a point in
spacetime. Think of the Not-I as its universe symbolized
as a circle as being the spacetime continuum itself. This
gives the famous central dot within a circle that HPB
notes in her proem to the SD. The I/dot (the center
that is nowhere) is intimately connected to the Not-I/World
(the circle that is everywhere) through what HPB calls
Fohat; an acausal connecting principle that functions in
the manner of Jung's synchronicity.
Liesel: <What does a thing look like which has neither a
slope nor a gradient? What's non-linear. Is it more than
2 dimensions?>
First of all, it is good to hear from you again (its
been awhile). Secondly, I love the Turbulent Mirror.
Thirdly, slopes and gradients have to do with plotting
things on various coordinate systems such as with an
x and y axes. Non-linear simply means that there is
no uniform relationship. When a linear relationship
is plotted on a graph, it makes a straight line (which
may or may not have a slope). A non-linear
relationship will make a curved line. Fourthly,
linear and non-linear have nothing to do with
dimensions (except that relationships between
parameters of systems are usually plotted on a
two-dimensional graph - but not always). Fractals
are plots in dimensions that are "in between." For
example, something in between the 2nd and 3rd
dimension would be a fractal. To make this idea
easier to understand, image a piece of paper. A
sheet of paper has two-dimensions, like a plane. Now
crinkle the paper up into a ball. Is it now a 3-D
object? In a sense it now has three dimensions, but
since it is still a sheet of paper it is also a
two-dimensional object - so it partakes of both
2D and 3D, and can be thought of as having an "in
between" dimensional quality to it.
Liesel: <I don't understand Peano & Mandelbrot's concept
of infinity. If you do a circumference of Great Britain,
it gets longer as you include more & more details in your
measurement. It might get extremely long, but how can it
become infinite? >
It can approach infinity simply because the closer you
look at it, the longer it becomes. Does this buck common
sense? You bet. Ain't math neat! Mathematics, as a
language, says that as long as you can keep on adding
stuff, the overall amount of stuff that you have will
approach infinity. Obviously this is in "theory" because
in practice we would simply cut our measurments off at
some point and go with the whatever number we had at
the time (us mortals can never reach infinity, if
nothing else simply because we don't live
long enough. But mathematics does it with ease).
Liesel: <, I realized that I had my configuration going in an
ellipse, which is linear>
Actually an ellipse is non-linear in that it is not
plotted as a straight line, but as a curve. However,
it is continuous, as opposed to discontinuous (is
that what you had in mind?). An ellipse is also
deterministic as opposed to chaotic.
Liesel: <What means "a continuous curve can always be
differentiated. What's a differential equation?>
I had a whole course in differential equations in college.
Ugh! ring because they allow us to predict what will happen
to a system over time. However, most of them have a tiny
factor tacked on at their ends which mathematicians ignored
for years. My professors called it the "fudge factor"
because it was something that the math puts there but no one
could understand, except that you needed it in order to get
the answer to come out right. The numbers for these little
factors were all made up into tables - obtained
experientially by knowledge over time. Anyway, these factors
are non-linear and were ignored by physicists and filled in
experientially by engineers. Nowdays these factors are being
looked at via computers in chaos theory. They are 'chaos
A "continuous curve" is one that for every x, there is a
corresponding y, when plotted on a graph. A discontinuous
curve is one in which there are x's without any y's or
perhaps y's without corresponding x's. Any plot is
discontinuous when it stops at one place and then starts
again at another place (when it looks like there is a gap
in the line). Our lives are continuous, because we
are aware of ourselves moving through time second by second.
But if we get amnesia, and then later regain our memory, we
could say that our life was discontinuous because now
there is a gap in our memory. Having said that, now I
can say that continuous curves can be "differentiated" by
solving their differential equations. The equations for
discontinuous curves, however, cannot be solved.
Note: Lynn Maruglies is one of the female champions of
evolution via symbiosis that I mentioned in a previous
Hope this helps.
Jerry S.
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