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Recommendations to D. Kuttruff on Theos-l

Jun 30, 1995 07:43 AM

To David Kuttruff:

I recommend the following 6 or so books:

(1) An Introduction to Esoteric Principles by William Doss
McDavid Paper, $7.50 This is an excellent introduction to HPB's

Order from The Theosophical Publishing House, P.O.  Box 270,
Wheaton, Illinois 60189.

(2) Deity, Cosmos and Man: An Outline of Esoteric Science by
Geoffrey A.  Farthing.  Paper, $15.00.

Also a good introduction to Theosophy as presented by HPB and the

Order from Point Loma Publications, P.O.  Box 6507, San Diego,
California 92166

(3) The Key to Theosophy with a Glossary by H.P.  Blavatsky.
Paper, $10.00 An introduction to Theosophy in HPB's own words.

The best edition in print is available from The Theosophical
University Press, P.O.  Box C, Pasadena, California 91109.

(4) The Voice of the Silence translated by H.P.  Blavatsky.
Paper, $5.00.

Available from Theosophical University Press, see address above.

Another good edition of The Voice of the Silence is the centenary
edition with a historical introduction published by The
Theosophical Publishing House, see address above.  Paper, $5.95.

(5) Abridgement of The Secret Doctrine by H.P.  Blavatsky.
Edited by Elizabeth Preston and Christmas Humphreys.  Paper,
$8.95.  A good introduction to H.P.B.'s best known work.  The
essence of the S.D.  in 250 pp.

Available from The Theosophical Publishing House, see address

(6) The Divine Plan by Geoffrey A.  Barborka.  Hardcover, $24.95.

Although not an introductory book, still this book is very
helpful to anyone who wants to understand the basic ideas and
concepts of the Secret Doctrine.  This book by Barborka is a
commentary on the S.D.  and also defines key Sanskrit words used
in the S.D.  The index to the Divine Plan can be used like a
glossary to explain key Theosophical and Sanskrit terms used by

Available from The Theosophical Publishing House, see address

I also recommend two biographical works on H.P.  Blavatsky to
help round out one's understanding:

(7) H.P.B.: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena
Blavatsky by Sylvia Cranston.  Paper, 18.95; Hardcover; $30.00.

Available from The Theosophical University Press, see address

(8) The Occult World of Madame Blavatsky compiled and edited by
Daniel H.  Caldwell.  $13.95, paper.

Available from Impossible Dream Publications, P.O.  Box 1844,
Tucson, Arizona 85702.

If you order by mail, these publishers also charge postage.  Also
prices do change.  Here are the phone numbers of the publishers
in order to confirm prices and postage:

The Theosophical Publishing House 1-800-669-9425

The Theosophical University Press 1-818-798-3378

Point Loma Publications 1-619-222-9609

Impossible Dream Publications postage for the one book is $2.00.

Of course, you can order all these books through your local
bookstore (especially your local metaphysical/new age bookstore).

Also all titles listed above are available from one source:

Wizards Bookshelf
P.O. Box 6600
San Diego, California 92166

Call 1-619-258-0049 for price confirmation and postage.

These recommendations compiled by Daniel H. Caldwell.

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