Re: A few questions to JRC and A. BAin
Jun 25, 1995 08:08 AM
by Dr. A.M.Bain
> But in order to try to understand JRC's and AB's background
> assumptions, reasoning, etc. better, I would like to ask them:
> (1) If you are inclined to disbelieve in "karma" and
> "reincarnation", what other theosophical "ideas" do you believe
> are true? What other Theosophical teachings do you think have
> been proven and what kinds of evidence are their that have lead
> you to believe that these "ideas" have validity and reality?
> For example, do you believe in "astral bodies" or "causal
> bodies"? Is there good evidence to support a belief in some kind
> of "life after death?"
I have exerience of Out of the Body activity, and have seen my
own physical body from outside of it. That is evidence, albeit
subjective evidence. I could call this OOB self an "astral"
body, perhaps. Again, "subjectively," I have met dead people. I
have even been given details about their lives "down here" which
I could not have known and have been able to verify _after_ the
event. I have also had three near death experiences, and am
personally quite certain of life after death in consequence.
> Does "telepathy" or "levitation" occur? Did HPB's Masters exist?
> Could HPB "materialize" cups and saucers?
Some sort of "telepathy" seems to occur naturally in people, but
seems to be fairly low-level and primitive. Never seen or
experienced levitation. If it exists on any worthwhile level, we
could surely have done away with the automobile by now! I have
little doubt that HPB's "Masters" exist(ed), but the answer begs
a lot of questions, doesn't it?
> Back to the bigger picture, do you believe in "other planes of
> existence" or in "devas" or in the "Logos"?
Yes to planes, yes to "devas" [but see JRC's posting]. "Logos"
is a greek word with nearly three pages of shades of meaning in
my Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament. I find it
impossible to think of "The Logos" as some kind of entity.
> And what evidence do you have that would show non-theosophists
> that there is something to these other Theosophical beliefs,
> *excluding karma, reincarnation, Lemuria and Atlantis?
When teaching - can only be done by word of mouth accompanying
the literature - I always tell new (and old) students, "This is
the teaching as I have received/experienced it. DO NOT BELIEVE A
WORD I TELL YOU - CHECK IT OUT, get your _own_ experience."
I do not, as you seem to suppose, dismiss the _existence_ of
Lemuria or Atlantis.
> It's good to be skeptical and challenge beliefs and assumptions
> and it is valid to ask for evidence, proof, and good reasons for
> believing in karma reincarnation, Lemuria, etc. But if you
> believe in other Theosophical ideas or concepts, then are you
> also applying the same skeptical attitude, etc. to these other
> ideas?
Yes! See above!
> What are the standards and criteria by which we judge the truth
> or falsity of any "idea", etc.?
The scientific method, personal experience, common sense.
How many universities in the world have a department of
> parapsychology or how many psychology departments in universities
> and colleges throughout the world teach a course on
> parapsychology and accept that such paranormal phenomena exist
> and are a part of everyday life.
In the UK, Edinburgh in Scotland. In our TS Lodge we sometimes
have lectures from Dr. Serena Roney-Dougal, who has her Ph.D in
Parapsychology from there. She has also given a one-day seminar.
Okay so far?
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