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Re: cosmogenesis and other subjects

Jun 23, 1995 09:37 PM
by Liesel F. Deutsch

Dear Fred,

Bringing 20th cent Physics into a new perspective by means of the
Stanzas is of real interest to me.  Because of correspondence
with Sy Ginzburg of the Miami branch, I've just recently received
course material from Angie Hall of the same branch.  She was
facilitator for a course called "Esoteric Science".  The course
used "Stalking the Wild Pendulum" as text.  Course matter tried
to ascertain what of modern science coincides with the visions of
the ancient seers.  I've just started a new little study center
here in Syracuse, & we're hoping to use the same book as text for
a similar course in the Fall.  Angie's class assembled recent
cogent articles.  If you have anything that's ready for
distribution in the way of essays or chapters, we'd love it, & I
believe so would Miami.  They're planning to do another more
advanced course on the same subject matter.  All courses are for
laymen, not for scientists.

Re reincarnation, to me it's also a great motivator.  Whatever I
can learn can be built upon, not only by myself in this and
future lives, but also by others, because it seems that if 1
person learns something, the 2d person who goes to learn the same
thing finds it easier.



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