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Re: reincarnation

Jun 24, 1995 06:59 PM
by Liesel F. Deutsch

Dear Von,

There are many facets and speculations about reincarnation.  Let
me just contribute one you might like to mull over.  A few years
back, Rupert Sheldrake came up with a concept he called
morphogenetic fields.  Sheldrake's fields are very similar to
Jung's collective unconscious.  In very broad outlines Sheldrake
thinks that these fields are fed into by the experience of human
beings, and thus are a conglomerate of human experience, and are
also a source to newly incarnating human entities.  Sheldrake is
a biologist,.  He proves some of his statements by experiments.
He must have written a book about morphogenetic fields.  About 10
years ago, he also gave a series of talks at the Krotona
Institute of Theosophy, and I have a taped copy of what he said
at the time.  Best source --- the Olcott Library.  They will,
upon request, send you a reading list on reincarnation.  The
latest Theosophical book is "Reincarnation Explored" by Dr.  John
Algeo, our President.  Shorter versions of this book are also on
video and audio tape, which you can purchase from the
Theosophical Publishing House, or else also borrow from the



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