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Re: Tereshchenko's Tarot

Jun 10, 1995 07:32 PM
by LieselFD

Hi, Sy,

This isn't re Tarot, but my way of telling you and Angie "Thank
you" for the package re the "Esoteric Science" course.  It came
today.  Upon first quick perusal, it looks super.  Somewhere in
it, someone mentions that you're planning to sell the material
which you sent me.  I'd like to pay you for it.  What does it
sell for? I'm going to take a more detailed look at what Angie
sent tomorrow AM & then write her a note about it.

We're having what I hope will be a planning meeting on Monday.
For 1 thing, Mondays isn't a good day, & we're thinking of
meeting at various hours on Sunday.  Then I'd like to convince my
little group to meet twice a month, instead of once.  On 1
meeting I'd like to feature Adam Warcup's "Cyclical Evolution"
video tapes.  They're commentaries on the SD, & Adam is very
succinct, & the preparation only consists of duplicating the
manual part for that particular tape.  The whole manual; is $12,-
and the TPH only had 1 copy..

At the other meeting, I'd like to have live participatory
programs, such as the "Esoteric Science", & a few other program
ideas we've had, which should take us from Sept.  well into next
Spring.  I think the "Esoteric Science" is our best idea yet, &
I'm planning to open it up to the public, just as you're doing.
Some of the oldsters at Summerfield will be interested in
attending.  I was thinking of keeping the Warcup videos for
members only.

I really appreciate your & Angie's help.  I'm planning to mail
off Harry's book to you on the way to COSOCNY meeting on Monday.
There's a post office nearby.


Loveya both


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