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Re: Don to John: Spiritual and historical truth

May 16, 1994 07:11 AM
by John Mead

> About being upset-- yes, but not because the review was bad.
> No amount of criticism of my research or writing would have
> been as disturbing as the kind of personal attack made by MJ.
> About comparing the two kinds of truth-- this comment seems
> to miss the point
> I was making.  People committed to spiritual movements are
> notoriously unwilling to examine the history of those movements
> objectively.  This is because they perceive historical truth as
> opposed to spiritual truth; my whole point was that the two are
> not indeed opposed, but complementary.

I recall an afro-american Physician in Grinnell IA who had his
medical office attacked by vandals in the night ...
"Nigger go home" etc. painted on his windows of business.

rather than clening it up immediately.....
He left it up for about a month so the whole town could see it
and realize fully what type of reality existed in the town.

I considered the review irrelevent to the book, but very
informative about the reviewer.

also ...  The historical truth (NOT corrupted historical-untruth)
must agreee and support the spiritual truth.

rather like expecting an oobe to somehow relate to the physical
plane to justify that it was not a true figment of imagination!

Peace --

John Mead

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