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Feb 16, 1994 09:36 PM
by Eldon B. Tucker

This is by Brenda.

Jerry H-E:

This is what I could picture happening during life in Egypt where
I was speaking about a metal or fashioned instrument that might
be useful in recognizing a key.  The quote says compasses and
ruler.  You suggest it might have to be used for several
hieroglyphic symbols which is fine.  Please remember this is just
my imagination working.

I really don't know how advanced communication was during those
days.  I imagined that several places throughout the city there
were stone tablets on which members of the community could post
notices or messages.  In fact, a notice might only be 5 or 6
hieroglyphs long, if the point could come across that easily.
People walking by these tablets might stop to see if there's
anything they should know about.  If they are a tailor and they
suspect that one of the other tailors (?) might be trying to post
a memo, they might see the symbol which designated their craft,
say a circle with a garment or cloak around it.  Well, other memo
writers might also use this symbol, but in a message identified
with the priestcraft, for instance.  In order that the tailors
did not mistake the memos directed to their segment of the
population, they might derive an identifying symbol which could
measure exactly, and no hand-chiselled symbol could approximate
it in its accuracy. (No other group would even have a need to
create or measure this particular symbol with ruler and compasses
as it wouldn't be their particular code hieroglyph or key.) For
ease in measuring and producing a symbol of this nature, a tailor
might carry an iron replica that could be hammered in place on
the tablet or held upon it to verify the accuracy of a written

This is what I was thinking when I made the off handed remark
mentioning a physical replica.  I wasn't even referring to
esoteric writing.  Does anyone know if anything of this nature
has been found?  Sorry, if this seems vain.


THE SECRET DOCTRINE does give the same idea about "worshipping"
our sources.  It follows:

Vol II, p. 538  "What, then, have other nations, who call
themselves Aryans, to do with this Semitic deity, the tribal god
of Israel? Astronomically, the "Most High" is the Sun, and the
"Lord" is one of his seven planets, whether it be Iao, the genius
of the moon, or IldaBaoth-Jehovah, that of Saturn, according to
Origen and the Egyptian Gnostics." Let the "Angel Gabriel," the
"Lord" of Iran, watch over his people; and Michael-Jehovah, over
his Hebrews. These are not the gods of other nations, nor were
they ever those of Jesus. As each Persian Dev is chained to his
planet (see Origen's Copy of the Chart), so each Hindu Deva (a "
Lord ") has its allotted portion, a world, a planet, a nation or
a race. Plurality of worlds implies plurality of gods. We believe
in the former, and may recognize, but will never worship, the
latter. (Vide Part III., "On Chains of Worlds and their
     It has been repeatedly stated in this work that every
religious and philosophical symbol had seven meanings attached to
it, each pertaining to its legitimate plane of thought, i.e.,
either purely metaphysical or astronomical; psychic or
physiological, etc., etc. These seven meanings and their
applications are hard enough to learn when taken by themselves;
but the interpretation and the right comprehension of them become
tenfold more puzzling, when, instead of being correlated, or made
to flow consecutively out of and to follow each other, each, or
any one of these meanings is accepted as the one and sole
explanation of the whole symbolical idea."


H.P.B. then shows two keys out of seven as described by two
Kabalist scholars.  Here is the verse which they reveal.  p. 538
"Moses beseeches the Lord to show him his "glory." The scholar
explains the answer. "Thou canst not see my face..."  But I will
show you my back "i.e., my visible universe, my lower
manifestations, but as a man still in the flesh, thou canst not
see my invisible nature."  This is the cosmo-metaphysical
interpretation.  Face symbolizes glory which is too deep to be
revealed, even to Moses.  The numerical meaning is found by
adding the letters of the name Moses and the name Jehovah.  Moses
equals 345 and Jehovah (or "I am that I am.") equals 543.  In
this way, Jehovah has shown him his behind (or back).  It also
has an astronomical side-meaning since when the two added
together equal 888 - the division of the 24 hours of the days and
a number check to preserve the natural measure of days.  888 also
stands for the "Gnostic Cabbalistic value of the name Christ, who
was Jehoshua or Joshua."  The text on p. 539 says that "In other
uses of the numbers, they saw each other face to face."

I'm hoping some of the material I've gathered will fit nicely
here, and flow into some important ideas.  You can be the judge.

Vol II p. 604 "Because all the ancient Cosmologies the oldest
Cosmographies of the two most ancient people of the Fifth Root
Race, the Hindu Aryans and the Egyptians, adding to them the
early Chinese races (the remnants of the Fourth or Atlantean
Race) based the whole of their mysteries on number 10: the higher
triangle standing for the invisible and metaphysical world, the
lower three and four, or the Septenate, for the physical realm.
It is not the Jewish Bible that brought number seven into
prominence. Hesiod used the words "The seventh is the sacred
day," before the Sabbath of "Moses" was ever heard of. The use of
number seven was never confined to any one nation. This is well
testified by the seven vases in the temple of the Sun, near the
ruins of Babian in Upper Egypt; the seven fires burning
continually for ages before the altars of Mithra; the seven holy
fanes of the Arabians; the seven peninsulas, the seven islands,
seven seas, mountains, and rivers of India; and of the Zohar (See
Ibn Gebirol); the Jewish Sephiroth of the Seven splendours; the
seven Gothic deities, the seven worlds of the Chaldeans and their
seven Spirits; the seven constellations mentioned by Hesiod and
Homer; and all the interminable sevens which the Orientalists
find in every MS. they discover."

I'm only using these quotes here as an introduction to the value
of the land apportioned to each race.  THE SECRET DOCTRINE lists
the North Pole - First Race, Northern Asia or Hyperborea - Second
Race, Lemuria - Third Race, Atlantis - Fourth Race, ? - Fifth
Race.  Does anyone know the name for the fifth race land?

p. 401-402 "This shows that Northern Asia is as old as the Second
Race. One may even say that Asia is contemporary with man, since
from the very beginnings of human life its root-continent, so to
speak, already existed; that part of the world now known as Asia
being only cut off from it in a later age, and divided by the
glacial waters.
     If, then, the teaching is understood correctly, the first
continent which came into existence capped over the whole North
Pole like one unbroken crust, and remains so to this day, beyond
that inland sea which seemed like an unreachable mirage to the
few arctic travellers who perceived it.
     During the Second Race more land emerged from under the
waters as a continuation of the "head" from the neck. Beginning
on both hemispheres, on the line above the most northern part of
Spitzbergen on Mercator's Projection, on our side, it may have
included, on the American side, the localities that are now
occupied by Baffin Bay and the neighbouring islands and
promontories. There it hardly reached, southward, the 70th degree
of latitude; here it formed the horseshoe continent of which the
Commentary speaks; of the two ends of which, one included
Greenland with a prolongation which crossed the t degree a little
southwest, and the other Kamschatka, the two ends being united by
what is now the northern fringe of the coasts of Eastern and
Western Siberia. This broke asunder and disappeared.  In the
early part of the Third Race Lemuria was formed (Vide supra).
When it was destroyed in its turn, Atlantis appeared."

Vol II p. 404-5 "We believe that each of these is not strictly a
continent in the modern sense of the word, but that each name,
from Jambu down to Pushkara,(1)* refers to the geographical names
given (i.) to the dry lands covering the face of the whole earth
during the period of a Root-Race, in general; and (ii.) to what
remained of these after a geological (race) Pralaya as "Jambu,"
for instance: and (iii.) to those localities which will enter,
after the future cataclysms, into the formation of new universal
"continents," peninsulas, or dvipas(2)* each continent being, in
one sense, a greater or smaller region of dry land surrounded
with water. Thus, that whatever " jumble " the nomenclature of
these may represent to the profane, there is none, in fact, to
him who has the key."

Some footnotes to this on p. 404. (1)*"Jambu, Plaksha, Salmala,
Kusa, Krauncha, Saka, and Pushkara." (2)*"Such as Saka and
Pushkara, for instance, which do not yet exist, but into which
will enter such lands as some portions of Amerlca, of Africa, and
Central Asia, with the Gobi region. Let us bear in mind that
Upadvipas means "root" islands, or the dry land in general."

Since it might be of interest here, I'd like to include the quote
that I found in regard to the relations of the planets with the

p. 765-6 "The fact that the Atlantes claimed Ouranos for their
first king, and that Plato commences his story of Atlantis by the
division of the great continent by Neptune, the grandson of
Ouranos, shows that there were continents and kings before
Atlantis. For Neptune, to whose lot that continent fell, finds on
a small island only one human couple made of clay (i.e., the
first physical human man, whose origin began with the last
sub-races of the Third Root-Race). It is their daughter Clito
that the god marries, and it is his eldest son Atlas who receives
for his part the mountain and the continent which was called by
his name.
     Now all the gods of Olympus, as well as those of the Hindu
Pantheon and the Rishis, were the septiform personations (1) of
the noumena of the intelligent Powers of nature; (2) of Cosmic
Forces; (3) of celestial bodies; (4) of gods or Dhyan Chohans;
(5) of psychic and spiritual powers; (6) of divine kings on earth
(or the incarnations of the gods); and (7) of terrestrial heroes
or men. The knowledge how to discern among these seven forms the
one that is meant, belonged at all times to the Initiates, whose
earliest predecessors had created this symbolical and allegorical
     Thus while Ouranos (or the host representing this celestial
group) reigned and ruled over the Second Race and their (then)
Continent; Kronos or Saturn governed the Lemurians; and Jupiter,
Neptune and others fought in the allegory for Atlantis, which was
the whole earth in the day of the Fourth Race. Poseidonis, or the
(last) island of Atlantis "the third step of Idaspati" (or
Vishnu) in the mystic language of the secret books lasted till
about 12,000 years ago. The Atlantes of Diodorus were right in
claiming that it was their country, the region surrounding Mount
Atlas, where "the gods were born" i.e., "incarnated." But it was
after their fourth incarnation that they became, for the first
time, human Kings and rulers.
     Diodorus speaks of Ouranos as the first king of Atlantis,
confusing, either consciously or otherwise, the continents; but,
as shown, Plato indirectly corrects the statement. The first
astronomical teacher of men was Ouranos, because he is one of the
seven Dhyani Chohans of that second period or Race. Thus also in
the second Manvantara (that of Svarochisha), among the seven sons
of the Manu, the presiding gods or Rishis of that race, we find
Gads, the teacher of astronomy (Judice), one of the names of
Brahma. And thus also the Chinese revere Taiwan (or the sky,
Airiness), and name him as their first teacher of astronomy.
Airiness gave birth to the Titans of the Third Race, and it is
they who (personified by Saturn-Krones) mutilated him. For as it
is the Titans who fell into generation, when "creation by will
was superseded by physical procreation," they needed Airiness no

Footnote to above use of Neptune, p. 765 "Neptune or Poseidon is
the Hindu Idaspati, identical with Narayana (the mover on the
waters) or Vishnu, and like this Hindu god he is shown crossing
the whole horizon in three steps.  Idaspati means also "the
master of the waters.""

The last quote is added because it throws more light on the role
that the first three races played in allowing man to incarnate in
physical form.  If the Monads were present in the bodies of the
Dhyani Chohans, at one point they may have "physiologically
changed" as said below.

p. 284-5 Vol II "The whole personnel of the BRAHMANAS and
PURANAS the Rishis, Prajpatis, Manus, their wives and
progeny belong to that pre-human period. All these are the Seed
of Humanity, so to speak. It is around these "Sons of God," the
"Mind born" astral children of Brahma, that our physical frames
have grown and developed to what they are now. For, the Purnic
histories of all those men are those of our Monads, in their
various and numberless incarnations on this and other spheres,
events perceived by the "Siva eye" of the ancient Seers, (the
"third eye" of our Stanzas) and described allegorically. Later
on, they were disfigured for sectarian purposes; mutilated, but
still left with a considerable groundwork of truth in them. Nor
is the philosophy less profound in such allegories for being so
thickly veiled by the overgrowth of fancy.
     But with the Fourth Race we reach the purely human period.
Those who were hitherto semi-divine Beings, self-imprisoned in
bodies which were human only in appearance, became
physiologically changed and took unto themselves wives who were
entirely human and fair to look
at, but in whom lower, more material, though sidereal, beings had
incarnated. These beings in female forms (Lilith is the prototype
of these in the Jewish traditions) are called in the esoteric
accounts "Khado" (Dakini, in Sanskrit). Allegorical legends call
the chief of these Liliths, Sangye Khado (Buddha Dakini, in
Sanskrit); all are credited with the art of "walking in the air,"
and the greatest kindness to mortals; but no mind only animal
     (c) This is the beginning of a worship which, ages later,
was doomed to degenerate into phallicism and sexual worship. It
began by the worship of the human body that "miracle of
miracles," as an English author calls it and ended by that of its
respective sexes. The worshippers were giants in stature; but
they were giants in knowledge and learning, though it came to
them more easily than it does to the men of our modern times.
Their Science was innate in them.  The Lemuro-Atlantean had no
need of discovering and fixing in his memory that which his
informing PRINCIPLE knew at the moment of its incarnation.  Time
alone, and the ever-growing obtuseness of the matter in which the
PRINCIPLES had clothed themselves could, the one, weaken the
memory of their prenatal knowledge, the other, blunt and even
extinguish every spark of the spiritual and divine in them.
Therefore had they, from the first, fallen victims to their
animal natures and bred "monsters" - i.e., men of distinct
varieties from themselves."

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